How to Win Big in the Realstate Industry

How to Win Big in the Realstate Industry

Cras semper quis urna ac viverra. Donec eu neque ligula. Fusce viverra dolor vitae vehicula pretium. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur sollicitudin lacus eget dignissim interdum. Duis efficitur risus...

My take on buyer’s agents

Serving the property market for several years now, I note that selling for vendors has become very interesting with low stock, high demand, and the inclusion of buyer’s agents into the mix. The practicalities of using a buyer’s agent are obvious. 1) A...
The Ideal Vendor

The Ideal Vendor

We’ve all heard it all before. “What goes around, comes around. You reap what you sow. If you build it, they will come.” Does the type of vendor you are really attract the best buyers for your home? Or is it enough that you hired the top sales agent...

Which Method of Sale?

FOR SALE BY OWNERS (FSBO) is a term in real estate used to describe a way of selling property where the owner has decided to do what would otherwise be the job, and reason for hiring the services, of a property sales agent. The three most common reasons for owners...